Gode Consensus Role

Gode chain exercises governance over the Gode blockchain through on-chain validators, certifiers, packers and auditors. Voters or council members will receive GAS incentives.

From the community for the community

Gode has taken a firmer step on the road to decentralization by introducing an on-chain governance committee mechanism.

The Gode Council includes ordinary council members and consensus nodes, responsible for maintaining the normal operation and network activity of the Gode blockchain. The Council can make proposals to modify on-chain data such as network fees. Both voters and council members will receive GAS incentives.

Key roles involved in governance



Secure Polychain by staking tokens, validating proofs from managers, and participating in consensus with other validators.

Validators charge the highest fees, which help seal new blocks on the Gode Chain network. Although we allow secured parties to nominate one or more validators to act on their behalf, the role of the validator depends on whether a sufficiently high bond is deposited, so some portion of the validator bond may not necessarily belong to the validator All themselves, but rather these nominees.



Polynuclear is secured by choosing trustworthy validators and staking tokens, who are stakeholders who contribute to the validator's security deposit.

They have no role other than placing venture capital, so it can be shown that they trust validators to act responsibly in maintaining the network. They increase or decrease deposits proportionally according to the growth of the bonds they contribute. Provers, like collators, are in a sense similar to miners of today's PoW networks.



Shards are maintained by collecting shard transactions from users and generating proofs for validators.

Transaction packers (referred to as packers) are the parties that assist validators in generating valid parachain blocks. They maintain a "full node" for the parachain; that means, they keep all the necessary information to be able to author new blocks and execute transactions as miners do on current PoW blockchains. Under normal circumstances, they would collate and execute transactions to create an unsealed block and provide it, along with a zero-knowledge proof, to one/or more validators currently responsible for proposing parachain blocks.



Monitor the network and report bad behavior to the verification period. Arrangers and any parachain full node can act as auditors.

Unlike the other two active parties, the auditor has no direct relationship with the block creation process. Instead, they are independent "bounty hunters" motivated by large one-time rewards. It is because of the presence of auditors that we expect incidents of misconduct to be rare, and if they do, it will only be due to the binding party's carelessness with the security key, not malicious intent.